
Remote Assistance

Fast Remote Support  - Resolving IT issues remotely. It's like troubleshooting in person, but we are not….

We offer remote assistance, a process by which we securely connect to your computer and trouble shoot problems, right there and now. 

  • Efficiency

    With the click of a few buttons our technicians can access your system and troubleshoot the error painlessly without having to talk you through every click. With the technician accessing your system it will cut down on the amount of time that would be taken to trouble shoot the issue over the phone, and will get you and your system back on track fast.

  • Cost Effective

    Remote sessions are more cost effective than a site visit because we do not have to factor in travel costs and time.

  • After Hours

    If time is precious during office hours we can schedule the remote session after hours.

  • Less Intrusive

    Taking care of your IT issues without you having to get out of your chair for the tech.

  • Training

    It’s a by-product of watching the technician, as you watch, you learn and can duplicate the issue resolution process. If the issue happens again chances are you will remember the process and resolve it yourself.

Now not every job can be dealt with remotely and in that event the technician will organise a site visit and if necessary, workshop time.
Schedule a remote session : 08 9454 6887
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Remote Assistance